A Refreshing Solution… Water From Air

Our NEW GENERATION LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION Atmospheric Water Generator generates fresh daily drinking water from the air increasingly known as the ‘water from air’ or ‘air to water’ miracle water machine.

Our new range uses 30-65% less energy consumption that our competitors.

In a world where, according to the United Nations, the global consumption of water is doubling every twenty years, more than one billion people already either have very limited or absolutely no access to fresh drinking water. By the year 2025 the increased demand for fresh water is expected to exceed by 56% of the amount currently available.

The Earth’s most valuable commodity is becoming increasingly scarce.

With “bottled water” being banned and outlawed from east to west as a result of increasing contamination of bottled water plastic the one hundred billion dollar a year totally unregulated bottled water industry is fighting for survival with consumer groups also raising numerous warnings about a host of different microorganisms and chemicals that have been found in bottled water. The drilling of water well’s has also been held to blame for people being supplied with water that has proved to be contaminated with numerous life threatening disease’s that often lead to death..

The Solution

Atmospheric Water Generators provide the freshest, cleanest, and purest drinking water directly from the same air that we breathe.

The Home/Office atmospheric water generators range make water from air up to 80 ltrs per day which is purer than any source available on the planet. There are also larger industrial Atmospheric Water Generators capable of producing 100 ltrs to 10,000 ltrs of fresh pure water in a single day that can be located in the most remote areas on the planet and powered by alternative energy source such as solar power and bio diesel generators.

By means of this innovative technology ‘Royal Pure Water’ are truly committed to delivering safe, pure drinking water to the world that requires no-plumbing, no-pipes, no-cabling. When plugged into a standard electrical socket when available or alternatively all units can be powered by an electrical generator or solar power at 1/10 of the cost of bottled water and totally eliminates the plastic bottle contamination. The ‘air to water’ method of generating water is without doubt a far safer and healthier means of achieving fresh water as a life saving source than drilling wells in the ground that both deplete the earths water table and again often lead to water related disease’s due to the impurities within the water being drilled causing numerous cases of ill health and death!

Water = LIFE!